Posts tagged careercoaching
5 mindset shifts in 2025 to reset your career

You’ve reached a turning point and know you need to make changes to how you live and work, but where to start? First, prepare the ground with these 5 mindset shifts. These will take the pressure off and help you connect with what you really need and want for a more fulfilling life. Choose you!

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It’s not your CV that's the problem - are you applying for the wrong jobs?

It's not your CV! If you're looking for greater fulfilment in your career, for a role that lights you up and gives you a real sense of purpose, you need to step back and ask a different question. Change 'What can I do?' to 'What do I really want to do - and why?' Here are three steps towards a role and an organisation that are a much, much better fit!

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Let your career regrets point towards a better career

Career regrets can actually be a great source of information about where you can head for a more fulfilling career. They are also a brilliant way of understanding what success looks like to you, rather than the version we may have inherited from parents, friends or society in general. In this article, I suggest three ways you can use any regrets to check out what’s behind them - and how you can use them to make the move you’re longing for.

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How to succeed after a change of direction: embracing your new identity

When you’re launching a new career after a change of direction, here’s how you can set yourself up for success. Be real, self-aware, and mark the transition - this is a new chapter and in part, a new identity. Here’s what you can let go of and what you can consciously choose from this exciting new start.

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Career Cushioning - with a Compass

When you want to future-proof your career, don’t let fear hold you back. You can build a career cushion while you’re still safely employed, but in a way that’s perfect for you! In this article, I suggest ways you can develop a plan B that also takes you in a direction that’s better for you - build resilience, security, fulfilment and hope into your career planning.

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How to stop believing your gremlins - and start creating a better career

When you’re stuck in a frustrating job but can’t escape your fears about creating anything better, you might be trapped by your gremlins. These limiting beliefs hold you back and stop you from changing direction towards a much more fulfilling career. In this article I suggest common career change gremlins and how I help my clients escape their hold and start believing in their career change. You can too!

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The two faces of career change: internal shifts and new directions

When you’re stuck in the wrong job and can’t see new options, change can seem an impossible dream. But instead of finding it overwhelming or out of reach, here are ways you can bring about the internal shifts necessary to make changes in your work life a possibility - and then reality! These clients are now doing work that lights them up - so can you.

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Is perfectionism blocking the career change you really need? How to tame the search for ‘perfect’ and create a work life that sets you free

Perfectionism can keep you stuck in a spiral of paralysis and procrastination, doubting whether you can ever find the perfect job - or be good enough to get it! Instead of struggling with the desire for perfection, try finding your best direction, and then just start - progress over perfection works every time. Here’s how..

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How to create the right conditions for a career change

How can you set yourself up for success when exploring a new career? These three vital ingredients will ensure your career change stands a chance to take root and flourish: a positive and open mindset, self-awareness, and curiosity. Here’s how you can prepare the ground for making the changes you really need to feel happy and fulfilled at work.

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Be yourself at interview - use your WHY to get the job you really want

Do you find it impossible to sell yourself at interview? You might be going for the wrong jobs or playing the wrong part! Instead, get clear on your values, purpose or strengths and connect on a much deeper level. When you use your WHY in your job search and interview, you’ll both recognise a shared mission, values and therefore how good a fit you are for the role! No more play-acting - be yourself and get the job you really want.

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You want more from your career - but more what?

When you’re feeling restless, bored, unhappy or disenchanted at work, how do you make the changes you need? In this article I suggest 3 great questions to start uncovering what’s really missing and what you can do to change things for the better. When you’re stuck with a career decision, this will help you understand your options for a quick fix or a bigger leap.

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How to activate and use your strengths for greater fulfilment in life and work (Part 2)

In part two of this article I suggest how you can put your strengths into daily action to create the life you really want. Instead of banging your head against a brick wall, use your natural talents and the skills you love using to solve problems, create a more fulfilling life or open up new careers that are totally you.

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Achieving work you love – for once, it really IS all about you

When it’s a matter of creating a truly fulfilling work life, you have full permission to make it all about you - at least as a starting point! What keeps so many people stuck is lack of clarity about what they really want - and why. This article helps you gain that vital clarity so that you can start to move in the right career direction for you.

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Dance in your sunny spots! How to build more vitality and momentum into a life on pause

If you feel your life has been frozen in time since the pandemic struck, you’re not alone. But if you want to get more bounce into your career change plans, here are 6 ways to retrieve your mojo and get more lucky along the way.

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