Posts tagged strengths
5 mindset shifts in 2025 to reset your career

You’ve reached a turning point and know you need to make changes to how you live and work, but where to start? First, prepare the ground with these 5 mindset shifts. These will take the pressure off and help you connect with what you really need and want for a more fulfilling life. Choose you!

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It’s not your CV that's the problem - are you applying for the wrong jobs?

It's not your CV! If you're looking for greater fulfilment in your career, for a role that lights you up and gives you a real sense of purpose, you need to step back and ask a different question. Change 'What can I do?' to 'What do I really want to do - and why?' Here are three steps towards a role and an organisation that are a much, much better fit!

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September - time for a career reset?

Like starting a new year, September has the same energy and is a great time to reset your career. When you know what's working for you (or not) in your current work, it's so much easier to make changes for greater fulfilment. Here are 4 prompts to get you thinking - so you can get more of what you really want and need at work.

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Career Cushioning - with a Compass

When you want to future-proof your career, don’t let fear hold you back. You can build a career cushion while you’re still safely employed, but in a way that’s perfect for you! In this article, I suggest ways you can develop a plan B that also takes you in a direction that’s better for you - build resilience, security, fulfilment and hope into your career planning.

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How to stop believing your gremlins - and start creating a better career

When you’re stuck in a frustrating job but can’t escape your fears about creating anything better, you might be trapped by your gremlins. These limiting beliefs hold you back and stop you from changing direction towards a much more fulfilling career. In this article I suggest common career change gremlins and how I help my clients escape their hold and start believing in their career change. You can too!

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The two faces of career change: internal shifts and new directions

When you’re stuck in the wrong job and can’t see new options, change can seem an impossible dream. But instead of finding it overwhelming or out of reach, here are ways you can bring about the internal shifts necessary to make changes in your work life a possibility - and then reality! These clients are now doing work that lights them up - so can you.

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What’s really stopping you from creating a new career?

When you’re stuck in a job you’ve outgrown, that’s draining and depressing you, it’s not easy to find the energy to make the changes you need. Here are some common beliefs that keep you stuck - and how to reframe them to free the clarity and energy to break free and go after the fulfilment you deserve!

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Is your company's culture making or breaking you?

What do you need to be your best and do your best work? When you understand the conditions you need to thrive in your career, you can start making some important changes. When you belong and can be yourself, you are going to flourish - and everyone will benefit. Here’s how to identify what you need to be your best at work.

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Be yourself at interview - use your WHY to get the job you really want

Do you find it impossible to sell yourself at interview? You might be going for the wrong jobs or playing the wrong part! Instead, get clear on your values, purpose or strengths and connect on a much deeper level. When you use your WHY in your job search and interview, you’ll both recognise a shared mission, values and therefore how good a fit you are for the role! No more play-acting - be yourself and get the job you really want.

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10 ingredients for a successful career change – at any age

What do you really need in order to create yourself a new career? It’s much more than a new CV! When you know what success looks like to you, what energises and inspires you, what matters most and what feels like meaningful work to you, choosing a new line of work will be so much easier. After 10 years working with career changers here are my 10 ingredients that will ensure you move towards a career that works for you.

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Why your personality plays a part in a great career choice – but is not the whole story

How can knowing your personality type help you choose a better career? There are clear links between individual personality and what makes a fulfilling career. But knowing your ‘type’ is not enough - you also need clarity on the kind of life you want, what you value most, and what meaningful work looks like to you before you can find a career that finally inspires you.

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You don't have to resign - consider a redesign of your work life

Talk of ‘The Great Resignation’ is everywhere, but don’t think that’s your only option if you’ve fallen out of love with your career. Instead, consider why you need a change and redesign your career to meet those needs. Instead of sleep-walking into the next 20 years, make a positive choice for more fulfilling work.

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How to activate and use your strengths for greater fulfilment in life and work (Part 2)

In part two of this article I suggest how you can put your strengths into daily action to create the life you really want. Instead of banging your head against a brick wall, use your natural talents and the skills you love using to solve problems, create a more fulfilling life or open up new careers that are totally you.

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For greater career fulfilment - make friends with your strengths (Part 1)

When you use your strengths to create change in your life, it all comes so much easier. Use your best talents, character traits and specific skills to work through problems or uncover new career options and you are on the right track for greater fulfilment. This two-part article shows how you can first understand what your strengths are, and then deploy them to create a more fulfilling and authentic life.

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Am I too old to start a business?

Would you love to start your own business but secretly think you’ve left it too late? Think again! This article suggests better ways to explore the possibility of starting a business - and how age can be a real advantage. I share my own business story and how I came to set up Freestyle Careers in my 60th year. Yes, it’s still going strong!

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These jobs are on the rise – but are they right for you?

Yes, employment trends can be useful, but if you're seeking a fulfilling career, they're simply not enough. Instead of trying to squash yourself into a role that really doesn't suit you anymore, try asking yourself these vital questions so that you can rethink your career and create something that can deliver what you really need.

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Career Change Stories from a Pandemic

It may seem like we have very little control over how we live and work these days, but many people are still re-creating their working lives to honour what they value most. In this article, I’m sharing some of the career change breakthroughs my clients have achieved since Covid knocked us all for 6! Grab some inspiration and get ready to make the changes you really need.

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Tweak your job until you can make the leap into a new career

You want to change career direction but have to wait. How can you make useful changes to your current role to make it a better fit while also to taking you towards your new career? Making these tweaks to your tasks, work relationships and how you view your current work will allow you to make the most of your current work until you’re ready to make the leap into a new career. You might even fall in love again with the role you redesign!

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How to make 2021 the year you finally rethink your career – despite the pandemic

When you've reached your tipping point - despite that voice in your head telling you this is the worst time to change careers - here are 6 ways you can prepare yourself to make the leap into a new career. Do the thinking now so that when the economy is more vibrant, you'll be ready to launch a working life that suits you much better!

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